> iSCSI as in the target (server) function? net/istgt in ports seemed ok 
> last time I tried it.

Plus the older (and simpler) net/iscsi-target works fine.

Quite some time agao I did spent a lot of time playing around with
the initiator. My expereinces were that it works very nicely when
connectivity works, but that a permanent loss of the far end oif the
connection doesn't lead to a nice failure ... but then nether does
ripping a SCSI drive off a bus, so I am not too fusssed about that
in general! Re-establishing the connection fixes the problem. I got
less good results layering other things (gmirror + zfs) on top of
it though, but again it was the failire behaviour which lead me not to
use it in the end, rather than the normal fucntionality, which works very

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