
I think that reading from CDROM is actually broken
in 9.0-RELEASE/sparc64.

On FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE/sparc64, mounting a physical
CDROM burned with FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-sparc64-disc1.iso
and running sha256 on usr/freebsd-dist/*.txz yields the same
results as listed in usr/freebsd-dist/MANIFEST.

However, on FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE/sparc64, mounting the
same CDROM (using /dev/cd0), and running sha256 on the
same usr/freebsd-dist/*.txz files yields completely different results:

SHA256 (base.txz) =
SHA256 (doc.txz) =
SHA256 (games.txz) =
SHA256 (kernel.txz) =
SHA256 (ports.txz) =
SHA256 (src.txz) =

This also prevents an installation of 9.0-RELEASE/sparc64
via bsdinstall from CDROM (bsdinistall says that the data sets
are corrupted). I was only able to get 9.0 on that SunBlade 1500
by using a regular source upgrade from a running 8.2-RELEASE
system (using usr/freebsd-dist/src.txz from that very same CDROM
that checksummed correctly on 8.2-RELEASE).

Just to make it clear: the CDROM media is correct and checksums
correctly on 8.2-RELEASE. It doesn't checksum correctly on 9.0-RELEASE
because reading from CDROM media is now (partially) broken.

Just to make sure the 9.0-RELEASE sha256 program isn't at fault,
I've mounted FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-sparc64-disc1.iso via mdconfig
and run sha256 on the *.txz files again: same results as in MANIFEST.
So sha256 on 9.0 itself is okay, it's only the reading from physical
media that corrupts data (and prevents installation from CDROM -- funny
that this passed release engineering and testing...).


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