On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 09:09:03AM +0000, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 22/01/2012 05:32, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> > csup then pulls down src/some/Makefile (for RELENG_9), where the version
> > number is different; say, version  Note that the version
> > number is not "higher" (larger) than the previous (  Thus
> > /usr/src/some/Makefile doesn't get changed/modified.
> I've never noticed csup(1) being at all reluctant to update a file based
> on the version number going backwards.  Case in point -- recently the
> cvsup.uk.freebsd.org server has been frozen and not accepting updates
> from upstream.  I've been updating my ports from a different cvsup
> server -- if I try cvsup.uk again, I get this:
> % root csup -h cvsup.uk.freebsd.org /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile
> Connected to 2001:630:212:8:20e:cff:fe09:a69c
> Updating collection ports-all/cvs
>  Checkout ports/MOVED
>  Checkout ports/Mk/bsd.gnustep.mk
>  Checkout ports/Mk/bsd.linux-apps.mk
>  Checkout ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk
>  Checkout ports/Mk/bsd.sites.mk
>  Checkout ports/Tools/scripts/mergebase.sh
>  Checkout ports/UPDATING
>  Checkout ports/archivers/par2cmdline-tbb/Makefile
>  Checkout ports/archivers/unrar-iconv/Makefile
>  Checkout ports/archivers/unrar-iconv/files/patch-iconv
>  Checkout ports/archivers/unshield/Makefile
>  Delete ports/archivers/unshield/files/patch-unshield-v2-format
>  Checkout ports/archivers/upx/Makefile
>  Checkout ports/archivers/upx/distinfo
>  Checkout ports/archivers/upx/files/patch-src-packer.h
>  Checkout ports/astro/R-cran-maptools/Makefile
>  Checkout ports/astro/R-cran-maptools/distinfo
> ^CCleaning up ...
> Connection to localhost closed.
> That's reverting most of the changes in the last week or so.

I'm not sure this is a valid test.  Your test validates that you can
change mirrors while using the same release tag without issue (which is
absolutely 100% true).  What I'm mainly describing is what happens when
you change release tags without nuking /usr/src.  Staying with one
release tag and "reverting" to an earlier version number works fine.

| Jeremy Chadwick                                 j...@parodius.com |
| Parodius Networking                     http://www.parodius.com/ |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                 Mountain View, CA, US |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.             PGP 4BD6C0CB |

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