On 03/01/2012 16:03, K. Macy wrote:

> I understand the switch. Uptime is important in any production
> network. However, it seems like it may have been too easy to turn it
> off because no one has made any effort to help me debug the issues. By
> analogy your guidance for ports usability problems would be to install
> Ubuntu.

Apparently you've missed all the times that I've given that exact advice. :)

But your analogy is severely flawed. Flowtable was an experimental
feature that theoretically might have increased performance for some
work flows, but turned out to be fatally flawed. The ports system is an
essential part of the FreeBSD operating *system*, depended on by
virtually 100% of FreeBSD users.

Users don't have any obligation to help us debug new/experimental features.



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