Did you recompile your ports so this would go away ?

More than likely some of your system is running against libpcap
installed from ports etc... This happens.

You should also expect these things to happen in an upgrade when you
leave software behind.

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 05:47:24PM +0200, Hilko Meyer wrote:
> Claudius wrote:
> >If you are using packet filter,
> >echo hw.usb.no_pf=1 >>/boot/loader.conf
> >
> >http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2012-January/065421.html
> >
> >Hope this helps.
> Thanks! 
> | echo hw.usb.no_pf=1 >>/boot/loader.conf
> did the trick. That helped.
> I'm a bit puzzled to see a disrupive change like this  merged to a
> Stable-branch without a heads-up and without documentation how to
> disable it.
> regards,
> hilko
> PS: forgot to mention I'm not subsricbed to this list. Please keep me
> CCed.
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