On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 08:04:31PM +0200, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> Hi!
> > > > Please do study sudo real power :-)
> > > > It can give selective privileges per-command,
> [...]
> > > Just make sure none of the permitted commands has got the
> > > feature of starting a shell ;-))
> > 
> > Right, think of vi(1), less(1), et al.
> Even this aspect is taken care of with sudo (at least to a certain limit):
>        NOEXEC and EXEC
>        If sudo has been compiled with noexec support and the underlying
>        operating system supports it, the NOEXEC tag can be used to prevent a
>        dynamically-linked executable from running further commands itself.
>        In the following example, user aaron may run /usr/bin/more and
>        /usr/bin/vi but shell escapes will be disabled.
>         aaron  shanty = NOEXEC: /usr/bin/more, /usr/bin/vi
>        See the "PREVENTING SHELL ESCAPES" section below for more details on
>        how NOEXEC works and whether or not it will work on your system.

cp /usr/bin/vi ~/

or upload your own...

sudo $HOME/vi

You need to be very careful with this NOEXEC thinking as it will not
always get you what you originally intended.


 - (2^(N-1))
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