On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 07:20:31PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
> If you had to list
> the three things you most like about FreeBSD, which would you
> pick?  Are they the same as when you first started using it?

1) Using it doesn't require changing me (well, at least change
is gradual and continuous.) (BSD since '86, even though the
hardware dies every few years.)

2) Incremental updates from source are easy.  (What's running
corresponds to the source on the system, so I can fix breakage
as I find it.  Not that that's common.)

3) ZFS turns out to be very cool, and seems to work really well.

(3) is new, but (1) and (2) have been there since the beginning
(since it was the patchkit.)

[Another change, not listed among the three most-liked things,
but still something that I like equivocally, is that I've
stopped fighting GUIs, and relegated my FreeBSD boxes to
servers.  GUI work I've delegated to Macs.  That could yet
change back/again, if Macs keep getting worse...]


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