Am Fri, 8 Jun 2012 08:04:12 +0200
schrieb Andreas Nilsson <>:

> My t61p also had overheating problems with fbsd, but never in linux.
> For me the fan control was somewhat broken: I had to turn off
> auto-mode and set max myself to get any heavy usage out of it.
> You might want to check that as well.
> Regards
> Andreas

I checked this and my fan was already at full speed (all the time).
Linux has got voltage regulation in fglrx as far as I know. As soon as
the GPU was using power saving functions on MS-Windows the GPU
temperature was far below 50°C. With FreeBSD it was always at 70°C!

I don't have the T60p anymore (thanks god). It was an awful laptop. So
I cannot give more precise information about this anymore.


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