Hoping someone here might be able to clue me in on what I am seeing.

FreeBSD 8.3-STABLE #0 r237184

When creating a if_tun(4) device...
ifconfig tun0 create 

With these line in rc.conf(5)
ifconfig_tun0="metric 100 down"

And sysctl net.link.tun.devfs_cloning=0

The resulting tun0 device results in state...
tun0: flags=8011<UP,POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> metric 100 mtu 1500

After removing the ifconfig_tun0= and running ifconfig create...
tun0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500

Why would the device enter a UP/DOWN state if there is no addressing
information being fed to it ? and especially with a directive of "down"

As a workaround I just removed the ifconfig_tun0= and dropped a ifconfig
command in rc.local to achieve what I want for the moment. I need this
interface created but not in any state unless otherwise manually



 - (2^(N-1))

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