Am 07/30/12 20:46, schrieb Ian Lepore:
> On Mon, 2012-07-30 at 20:36 +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:
>> Am 07/30/12 20:04, schrieb Beat Siegenthaler:
>>> Hello,
>>> Until today, when I was asked what WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes should do.. i
>>> was obviously wrong:
>>> I think whole openssl should be replaced, but :
>>> [mym:~] # which openssl
>>> /usr/bin/openssl
>>> [mym:~] # openssl version
>>> OpenSSL 0.9.8x 10 May 2012
>>> there IS a 1.0.1 version but it is not found whit which or whereis:
>>> [mym:~] # /usr/local/bin/openssl version
>>> OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012
>>> Maybe I simply miss some shell basics?
>>> Regards, Beat
>> Hello.
>> I guess you need to ensure that the path /usr/local/bin is searched
>> BEFORE /usr/bin. If you're using sh(1) as the standard shell of yours,
>> you should ensure this by using something like the following in .profile
>> (or .cshrc, if csh(1)):
>> PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:${PATH}; export PATH
>> for sh(1) or for csh(1)
>> set path = ( /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin $path )
>> Although I use csh(1) as the login shell, I've also set ~/.profile with
>> the propper PATH settings.
>> Since I run FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT, I have already OpenSSL 1.0.1c. I
>> tested which(1) and whereis(1) on the command lpr(1), which is in my
>> case provided by the FreeBSD base system and located in /usr/bin/lpr,
>> AND by the port print/cups-base by the CUPS printing system. Luckily,
>> since I adjusted the search paths that way, that /usr/local/bin is
>> searched BEFORE /usr/bin, lpr(1) is found first in /usr/local/bin:
>> ohartmann@thor: [~] which lpr
>> /usr/local/bin/lpr
>> But when using whereis(1), the result is the undesired:
>> ohartmann@thor: [~] whereis lpr
>> lpr: /usr/bin/lpr /usr/local/man/man1/lpr.1.gz /usr/src/usr.sbin/lpr
>> The manpage of whereis(1) states, that the $PATH environment variable is
>> searched - but this isn't obviously the case, since the shell's PATH
>> environment variable points to the right lpr(1) in the first place while
>> whereis(1) does ignore it.
>> This behaviour is also identical on boxes which run 24/7 with periodic
>> scripts enabled, updating the locate(1) database.
>> Am I missing something, too?
> The whereis(1) manpage says that the value of $PATH is *appended* to the
> standard places it searches, so it still finds the base system version
> of something before any ports-provided version in /usr/local regardless
> of PATH.  
> -- Ian

You're right, I misinterpreted  "... The default path searched is the
string returned by the sysctl(8) utility for the “user.cs_path” string,
with /usr/libexec, /usr/games and the current user's $PATH appended."

Obviously is 'user.cs_path' not related to anything in the user's
environment, as I expected to be.

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