On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 1:32 AM, Thomas Mueller <muelle...@insightbb.com> wrote:
> The specific subject of this thread is not my issue, but I did notice
> problems apparently related to CAM on a SATA hard drive.

I would suggest starting a new thread if you have a different issue.

> I use one UFS partition, with FreeBSD 9.0-BETA1 installed (subsequently
> updated on another partition, using GPT as opposed to MBR), for ports tree
> and also NetBSD pkgsrc and NetBSD source code.  I built NetBSD 5.1_STABLE i386
> from FreeBSD and also built xorg-modular on the new NetBSD installation from
> pkgsrc.  Going into and out of the newly installed Xorg resulted in some
> crashes with the FreeBSD 9.0-BETA1 partition mounted and not cleanly
> unmounted.  File system was damaged, and FreeBSD fsck_ffs wouldn't fix it,
> went into a loop:
> Script started on Wed Sep 19 04:15:02 2012
> fsck_ffs /dev/ada0p9
> ** /dev/ada0p9
> ** Last Mounted on /BETA1
> ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
> CANNOT READ BLK: 7584192
> CONTINUE? [yn] y
> ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
> ** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
> ** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
> ** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
> 1475900 files, 4638292 used, 21162419 free (61643 frags, 2637597 blocks, 0.2% 
> fragmentation)
> ***** PLEASE RERUN FSCK *****
> Script done on Wed Sep 19 04:17:27 2012
> This happened repeatedly, meaning an impasse.
> I didn't get to record preceding error messages relating to ATA and CAM but,
> seeing this last message, wonder if there are some bugs in the CAM.
> I booted that new NetBSD 5.1_STABLE i386 installation, on a USB stick, was
> able to mount that partition and see it wasn't trashed though there was a
> message about the dirty flag.  I then umounted and ran NetBSD fsck_ffs
> successfully, just a few files were lost, and FreeBSD can access that
> partition again.
> I still intend to be more cautious when in NetBSD, not mounting a FreeBSD
> partition unnecessarily when doing something crash-prone on my system in
> NetBSD, such as going into and out of X.
> Tom
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