On 11/17/12 21:04, Kevin Oberman wrote:

Looks like everything is back up again.
Thanks for the good work.

Yes, but don't bet that csup and cvs will be around long.

I'm aware of this and I'm (adimttedly slowly) moving away from csup.

The outage
was the result of an intrusion into core FreeBSD systems. Please read
the posting at http://www.freebsd.org/news/2012-compromise.html.

Read that.

really time to get away from CVS and I suspect it will be going away
sooner than had been planned. I notice that no response has confirmed
whether it will be available for 9.1, probably because the security
team is still evaluating the situation.

Simply out of curiosity, I wonder why csup/cvsup/cvs are less secure than alternatives, say SVN.
Why would this compromise be impossible without cvs?
Any link on this?

 bye & Thanks

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