On Mon, 19 Nov 2012, Kevin Oberman wrote:

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Frank Seltzer <fran...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
I run a nightly ports tree update and I have been getting the following
errors the last couple of days.  I haven't seen this asked before so is this
just me or is anyone else seeing this?  Have I fat-fingered something?

Updating '/usr/ports':
Skipped '/usr/ports/astro' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/devel' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/sysutils' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/audio' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/textproc' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/x11-fm' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/MOVED' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/games' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/mail' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/net' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped '/usr/ports/multimedia' -- Node remains in conflict
At revision 307524.
Summary of conflicts:
  Skipped paths: 11

This usually indicates non-SVN updates to these items. If you have not
modified them intentionally, just 'rm -r' them and 'snv up /usr/ports'
again. I hit this after switch to svn when a cron job did a csup of
ports. Oops!
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: kob6...@gmail.com

Nope, no non-SVN updates or manual changes. I am getting this on 3 separate boxes and have disabled csup in cron on them all.

Are you sure about 'rm -r'ing them? IIRC, I reran 'svn co' instead of 'svn up' by mistake on 1 box and it pulled the entire collection again. Not sure about this as my memory ain't what it used to be. You know what they say, The mind is the first thing to go!

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