Hello Andriy,

Tuesday, December 25, 2012, 12:18:23 AM, you wrote:

>> I recompiled the kernel and is running with options you specified (I
>> enabled DEBUG in the file).
>> Anyway even at boot time I started getting following warnings, is this
>> anything:

> These witness warning are OK-ish.
> Watch for panics.

Sadly (I guess :) I did not have crash today (I don't see even a
warning at that time), I'll update when it happens. Will also try to
run that task today and will see if it will do anything.

> BTW, I should have said this earlier.  Whatever the kind of the corruptions it
> would be much worse if a corruption would get propagated to the stable 
> storage.
> Especially if it would be in any kind of pool metadata.

> So, your data is at great risk now.
> Please also take measures to back it up.  Preferably by using a different 
> system.

I'm backing it up using zfs send since dump doesn't appear to work on

Anyway zpool scrub does not show any problems... I performed my last
scan when I started this thread.

Best regards,
 Derek                            mailto:tak...@takeda.tk

Hand over the calculator, friends don't let friends derive drunk

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