Rick Macklem <rmack...@uoguelph.ca> wrote
  in <1914428061.1617223.1357133079421.javamail.r...@erie.cs.uoguelph.ca>:

rm> Hiroki Sato wrote:
rm> > Hello,
rm> >
rm> > I have been in a trouble about my NFS server for a long time. The
rm> > symptom is that it stops working in one or two weeks after a boot. I
rm> > could not track down the cause yet, but it is reproducible and only
rm> > occurred under a very high I/O load.
rm> >
rm> > It did not panic, just stopped working---while it responded to ping,
rm> > userland programs seemed not working. I could break it into DDB and
rm> > get a kernel dump. The following URLs are a log of ps, trace, and
rm> > etc.:
rm> >
rm> > http://people.allbsd.org/~hrs/FreeBSD/pool.log.20130102
rm> > http://people.allbsd.org/~hrs/FreeBSD/pool.dmesg.20130102
rm> >
rm> > Does anyone see how to debug this? I guess this is due to a deadlock
rm> > somewhere. I have suffered from this problem for almost two years.
rm> > The above log is from stable/9 as of Dec 19, but this have persisted
rm> > since 8.X.
rm> >
rm> Well, I took a quick glance at the log and there are a lot of processes
rm> sleeping on "pfault" (in vm_waitpfault() in sys/vm/vm_page.c). I'm no
rm> vm guy, so I'm not sure when/why that will happen. The comment on the
rm> function suggests they are waiting for free pages.
rm> Maybe something as simple as running out of swap space or a problem
rm> talking to the disk(s) that has the swap partition(s) or ???
rm> (I'm talking through my hat here, because I'm not conversant with
rm>  the vm side of things.)
rm> I might take a closer look this evening and see if I can spot anything
rm> in the log, rick
rm> ps: I hope Alan and Kostik don't mind being added to the cc list.

 Thank you.  This machine has 24GB RAM + 30GB swap.  16GB of them are
 used for ZFS ARC, and I can see 1.5GB free space on average.
 However, frequent swapouts happen in a regular basis even when the
 I/O load is low.  The amount used in the swap was 20-30MB only
 regardless of the load.

 I checked vm.stats and the outputs of vmstat -z/-m every 10 sec until
 the freeze several times but vm.stats.vm.v_free_count was around
 300,000 (>1GB) even just before the freeze.

-- Hiroki

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