>Am 03.01.2013 um 16:36 schrieb Eitan Adler <lists at eitanadler.com>:
>> CVS/SVN should be considered a development tool.  Users should not see
>> the impact of the switch.  In theory.
>What is the recommended csup replacement for users that did
>        cd /usr/src && make update buildworld buildkernel
>as their method of keeping the system current?
>I'm a bit reluctant to installing svn on every system that needs source
>updates. Are there more lightweight ways?

subversion isn't so bad, especially if you build a stripped-down
version -- many of the optional dependencies aren't needed for a basic
client, which is a fraction of the size of the source code. Just get
rid of the extras, and use a stripped-down version of sqlite3 only.
And of course you could install it on one of your machines, and then
distribute the source code among the rest by other means.

But there are alternatives, and several are documented in the FreeBSD
Handbook(does anyone read it?):

--you could use ports/net/rsync or an rsync clone, which may be
smaller (See: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors-rsync.html
); or

--you could use ctm(1) to get the repository via email, or use
fetch(1) or another small ftp/http client to grab the ctm deltas
directly from the server at
ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/CTM/  , or from one of the mirrors
(See: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/ctm.html ).

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