On 01/08/2013 16:18, Ulrich Spörlein wrote:

  98054 sendmail CALL  bind(0x7,0x708dbc,0x1c)
  98054 sendmail STRU  struct sockaddr { AF_INET6, [::ffff:]:587 }
  98054 sendmail RET   bind -1 errno 49 Can't assign requested address

Yeah right ... I don't want an IPv6-mapped-IPv4 address, I want it to bind to 
the real thing.

Sendmail uses the first address returned by gethostbyname, rather than scan for a 'real' ipv6 address instead of a mapped ipv4 address.

My guess is that things will improve once you do '/etc/rc.d/ip6addrctl prefer_ipv6'. This will cause gethostbyname to return the real ipv6 address first.

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