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On Jul 5, 2013, at 10:53, Daniel Braniss <da...@cs.huji.ac.il> wrote:
> after today's update of 9.1-STABLE I noticed that make build[world|kernel] are
> taking conciderable more time, is it because the upgrade of clang?
> and if so, is the code produced any better?
> before:
> buildwordl:    26m4.52s real 2h28m32.12s user 36m6.27s sys
> buildkernel:   7m29.42s real 23m22.22s user 4m26.26s sys
> today:
> buildwordl:   34m29.80s real 2h38m9.37s user 37m7.61s sys
> buildkernel:    15m31.52s real 22m59.40s user 4m33.06s sys

Ehm, your user and sys times are not that much different at all, they
add up to about 5% slower for buildworld, and 1% faster for build kernel.
Are you sure nothing else is running on that machine, eating up CPU time
while you are building? :)

But yes, clang 3.3 is of course somewhat larger than 3.2.  You might
especially notice that, if you are using gcc, which is very slow at
compiling C++.

In any case, if you do not care about clang, just set WITHOUT_CLANG= in
your /etc/src.conf, and you can shave off some build time.


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