On 9 July 2013 16:05, dcx dcy <dcb...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
>          I am having an issue where my hme0 interface is always turning up
> and down with dhclient requesting a lease.
> I am thinking this could be the same issue described by Jeremy Chadwick on
> June 9th:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2013-June/073711.html
Sounds like it. I recall someone warned that this issue would pop up with
more (especially older) ethernet drivers. I was one of the people that ran
into this on the em driver (Intel EtherExpress 100Mbit), which got a fairly
prompt fix after I raised the issue.

Since this is apparently caused by an interaction between the dhclient
interface up/down detection mechanism and various wired ethernet interface
drivers, it seems to me that it would help to be able to turn off
dhclient's detection feature (or can we do that already?).

The feature seems to be mostly useful for mobile devices (laptops and such)
who tend to leave and enter different wireless network areas and need a new
lease at that point.
With wired interfaces, especially those that don't change physical
location, the feature seems mostly pointless. Being able to turn it on or
off at will seems useful and it would give other people running into this
an easy way out.

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