Michael Grimm <trash...@odo.in-berlin.de> wrote
  in <eb3c4472-02bf-4415-bb2d-b4929063d...@odo.in-berlin.de>:

tr> On 12.07.2013, at 09:03, Hiroki Sato <h...@freebsd.org> wrote:
tr> > Please let me know if the existing configurations and/or the new
tr> > formats do not work.
tr> First of all: great work! It is that much easier to deal with aliases, now.
tr> There is only one minor issue, if at all:
tr> rc.conf:
tr> | ifconfig_em0_ipv6="inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::1 prefixlen 56"
tr> | ifconfig_em0_aliases="\
tr> |         inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::2-3 prefixlen 56 \
tr> |         inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::4 prefixlen 56 \
tr> |         inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::5-6/56"
tr> ifconfig:
tr> |   inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::1 prefixlen 56
tr> |   inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::2 prefixlen 64
tr> |   inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::3 prefixlen 64
tr> |   inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::4 prefixlen 56
tr> |   inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::5 prefixlen 56
tr> |   inet6 dead:beef:1111:2222::6 prefixlen 56
tr> Any combination of a range definition (2-3) *and* "prefixlen 56" is ignored
tr> whereas a range definition (5-6) *and* "/56" is interpreted as wanted.
tr> Well, that combination of a range and "prefix" isn't documented, thus I am
tr> not sure if that's an issue or a feature?

 It seems a bug.  Thank you for your report.  I am investigating it now.

-- Hiroki

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