George Hartzell writes:
 > George Hartzell writes:
 >  > [...]
 >  > So, it would seem that there's something about the filesystem in which
 >  > my home directory resides that contributes to the problem.
 >  > [...]
 > Another data point.
 > [...]

Yet another data point or three.

I took an unused disk, set it up with a single pool and copied
everything from my two disk system to it using zfs send & recv.  I was
hoping that if there was something goofy about the state of the
filesystems on the older two disk pool it might get cleaned up in the

I tagged the entire set of flac files, they were all successfully
validated via the plugin.  After exiting Picard, one failed
validation.  After rebooting, many failed validation.

Next I created a new filesystem on this new pool, mounted it,
configured Picard to save to that filesystem and ran through all of
the tracks.  They validated fine via the plugin and by hand after
exiting Picard.  They also validated properly after unmounting and
remounting the filesystem and after a reboot.  Sigh.

Then I destroyed all of the snapshots on the filesystems that I
transfered over from my "real" dual-disk system.  Tagging all of the
flac files into my home directory generated errors from the validation
plugin and by hand after exiting picard.  I didn't bother rebooting
and checking.

So it seems to be something about the filesystem{s} themselves.

I'm running a scrub now.

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