On Wed, 2013-07-17 at 11:55 -0400, Larry Baird wrote:
> Recently under amd64 and 9.1-STABLE I am seeing issues with the bce
> driver.  Message is "Warning: bootcode thinks driver is absent".  After
> this message, the box appears to be wedged.  After rebooting, it got the
> same message during fsck.  So we installed 9.2 pre-release using a snapshot
> iso from 7/13/13.  Shortly after boot we got the same message.  We are now in
> the process of installing 9.1 release to verify this is a driver issue and
> not hardware flaking out.  Anybody else seen this issue?
> Thank you for your time,
> Larry

Hey, looks like we might be seeing similar things.  I've been
investigating the fact that FreeBSD appears to be smashing the mangement
firmware because of the ipmi(4) code attempting to attach to the ACPI
and ISA versions of the BMC.  

Do you see attempts to attach to "ipmi1" and do you see various cases
where you get a "NMI" of some kind on an ifconfig up of your network


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