On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 01:01:06PM -0700, Dave Hayes wrote:
> I've been trying to get emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod to compile
> from ports on a clang built 9-STABLE:
>  # uname -v
>  FreeBSD 9.1-STABLE #0 r251391M: Tue Jun  4 09:47:42 PDT 2013
> r...@fb9build.jetcafe.org:/usr/obj/usr/src.amd64/sys/GENERIC  amd64
>  # cc -v
>  FreeBSD clang version 3.2 (tags/RELEASE_32/final 170710) 20121221
>  Target: x86_64-unknown-freebsd9.1
>  Thread model: posix
> After some work I can get it to compile, but then I get this:
>  # kldload /boot/modules/vboxdrv.ko
>  kldload: can't load /boot/modules/vboxdrv.ko: Exec format error
>  # dmesg | tail -2
>  KLD vboxdrv.ko: depends on kernel - not available or version mismatch
>  linker_load_file: Unsupported file type
>  # kldxref -d /boot/modules/vboxdrv.ko
>  ...
>  /boot/modules/vboxdrv.ko
>    depends on kernel.901505 (901505,999999)
>    module vboxdrv
>    interface vboxdrv.1
>  # kldxref -d /boot/kernel | grep -C 3 /boot/kernel/kernel
>    depends on kernel.901504 (901504,999999)
>    module ppi_ppbus
>    depends on ppbus.1 (1,1)
>  /boot/kernel/kernel
>    depends on kernel.901504 (901504,999999)
>    module xpt
>    depends on cam.1 (1,1)
> What's going on here and how can I debug this one? It seems that the
> module vboxdrv.ko has the correct versions.
> Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can provide. :)

What is the svn revision of your /usr/src/ checkout?


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