On Aug 29, 2013, at 10:14 AM, Adrian Chadd wrote:

> .. after tinkering in the USB world, i wonder what's wrong with this:
> * created a basic markup / description language to encapsulate what PCI/USB 
> probing requires;
> * generated both config files _and_ .c / .h files for drivers to include;
> * have the kernel build process do .device_description -> .c/.h (for 
> compiling) ; devd.conf (for runtime loading); an elf section if you'd like; 
> and loader-mumble.conf (for loader autoloading.)

It is needlessly complex? You seriously don't need 1/10th that complexity.

We've talked about solutions in the past. I even have something that will 
automatically do the heavy lifting for compliant drivers (or did before it 
decayed). What's needed is for someone to step in and drive it to completion.

Like I said, this has been talked to death at least half a dozen times.


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