
thanks to Hans Petter Selasky, isdn4bsd (i4b) was easy to install and
seems to do the same great job these days with 9.2 as a decade ago with
3.x :-)
But I had a hard time getting isdntest-connection working with my atcom
AX-4S (HFC-4S).
Accidentally I read on HPSs site that HFC-4S/8S are by default
initialized in pcm_slave mode.
I had no idea about pcm_mode – nothing qualified found with a very quick
search – but I understand the need and possibilities of clock sources.

But why is the default to rely on external clock source with HFC-4S?

And how – if it's describable in one sentence – does the HFC-4S read
external clock?

Is there something like 'hint.hfc.X.pcm_master' (planned)?

Why isn't isdn4bsd and libcapi in the official ports tree?

Thanks a lot,


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