FreeBSD 10.2-PRERELEASE #0 r284949

The jail can be started, but when /etc/rc is executed:

root@mar:/ # sh -x /etc/rc
+ stty status ^T
/etc/rc: cannot create /dev/null: Operation not supported
+ trap : 2
+ trap 'echo '\''Boot interrupted'\''; exit 1' 3
+ HOME=/
+ PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
+ export HOME PATH
+ [ '' = autoboot ]
+ autoboot=no
+ _boot=quietstart
+ /sbin/sysctl -n vfs.nfs.diskless_valid
/etc/rc: cannot create /dev/null: Operation not supported

I have done the procedure several times before but never saw this one before and don't know how to get around it.

Ideas anyone? Any recent changes that can show up like the above?



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