On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 07:40:42PM -0400, Jason Unovitch wrote:
> >> ..uh top quoting..
> >>
> >> Trying to mount root from zfs:zroot/ROOT/default [].
> >>
> >> Fatal double fault:
> >> eip = 0xc0b416f5
> >> esp = 0xe2673000
> >> ebp = 0xe2673008
> >> cpuid =0; apic id = 00
> >> panic: double fault
> >> cpuid = 0
> >> KDB stack backtrace:
> >> #0 0xc0b72832 at kdb_backtrace+0x52
> >> #1 0xc0b339cb at vpanic+0x11b
> >> #2 0xc0b338ab at panic+0x1b
> >> #3 0xc10556 at dblfault_handler+0xab
> >> Uptime: 11s
> >> ..
> >
> >Looks like the panic I received on my Soekris Net6501-70.
> >
> >Fixed in stable/10 in r285759:
> >https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/285759
> >
> >Fixed in stable/9 in r285760:
> >https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/285760
> >
> Herbert, in https://bugs.FreeBSD.org/201642 I had tracked down the commit
> that caused the issue on our Soekris 6501s.  Only between r284297 -> r285662
> in HEAD and between r284998 -> r285756 in stable/10 should be affected.
> >>>Ok, it is 10.2-BETA so I've tried 10.1-Release next...exactly the same,
> >>>ok tried 9.3-RELEASE .. the same!
> Holm, if you are seeing this on 9.3-RELEASE and 10.1-RELEASE I'm not
> entirely convinced the cause is the same.

ZFS on i386 requires KSTACK_PAGES=4 in the kernel configuration to work
properly, as noted in the 10.1-RELEASE errata (and release notes, if
I remember correctly).

We cannot set KSTACK_PAGES=4 in GENERIC by default, as it is too
disruptive.  If you are using ZFS on i386, you *must* build your own
kernel for this.  It is otherwise unsupported by default.


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