Dear FreeBSD community,

We're facing a somewhat odd issue, perhaps similar to what is discussed

The issue is that the L2ARC header seems to grow without limit, similar
to a memory leak, pressuring more and more memory over time out of the ARC.

For example, the output of "zpool iostat -v 1"

                 capacity     operations    bandwidth
pool          alloc   free   read  write   read  write
------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
syspool       1.15G   275G      0      0      0      0
  mirror      1.15G   275G      0      0      0      0
    gpt/zfs0      -      -      0      0      0      0
    gpt/zfs1      -      -      0      0      0      0
------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
tank          1.21T  1.51T    229  1.99K  3.67M  9.48M
  mirror       124G   154G     67    125   787K   503K
    da0           -      -     20     27   440K   503K
    da1           -      -     45     28   379K   503K
  mirror       124G   154G     34    164   454K   612K
    da18          -      -     26     12   417K   612K
    da19          -      -      6     13  58.8K   612K
logs              -      -      -      -      -      -
  mirror       117M  74.4G      0    109      0  1.75M
    da21          -      -      0    109      0  1.75M
    da22          -      -      0    109      0  1.75M
cache             -      -      -      -      -      -
  da23        1.67T  16.0E    302      7  2.85M   223K
------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----

Here the cache shows 1.67T, in use and 16.0E free.
The cache is a 373GB Intel SSD.

# diskinfo -v da23
        512             # sectorsize
        400088457216    # mediasize in bytes (373G)
        781422768       # mediasize in sectors
        4096            # stripesize
        0               # stripeoffset
        48641           # Cylinders according to firmware.
        255             # Heads according to firmware.
        63              # Sectors according to firmware.
        BTTV4234089C400HGN      # Disk ident.
        id1,enc@n500e004aaaaaaa3e/type@0/slot@18        # Physical path

The L2ARC stats section from "zfs-stats -a":

L2 ARC Summary: (DEGRADED)
        Passed Headroom:                        133.33m
        Tried Lock Failures:                    4.90b
        IO In Progress:                         313.63k
        Low Memory Aborts:                      1.52k
        Free on Write:                          589.79k
        Writes While Full:                      34.57k
        R/W Clashes:                            46.95k
        Bad Checksums:                          408.40m
        IO Errors:                              151.99m
        SPA Mismatch:                           632.00m

L2 ARC Size: (Adaptive)                         1.89    TiB
        Header Size:                    0.88%   16.98   GiB

L2 ARC Evicts:
        Lock Retries:                           1.27k
        Upon Reading:                           2

L2 ARC Breakdown:                               2.10b
        Hit Ratio:                      32.89%  691.15m
        Miss Ratio:                     67.11%  1.41b
        Feeds:                                  3.70m

L2 ARC Buffer:
        Bytes Scanned:                          10.70   PiB
        Buffer Iterations:                      3.70m
        List Iterations:                        236.30m
        NULL List Iterations:                   24.86m

L2 ARC Writes:
        Writes Sent:                    100.00% 3.38m

Here we can see that currently the Header Size is almost 17gb.
This header size grows continuously without (apparent) limit.
Also zfs appears to think it's holding 1.89 TiB inside the L2ARC, which
seems very very unlikely.

# freebsd-version

# uname -a
FreeBSD servername 10.1-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p10 #0: Wed May
13 06:54:13 UTC 2015  amd64

# uptime
 4:35PM  up 42 days, 15:24, 1 user, load averages: 1.35, 0.96, 0.84

Does anyone know how we can alleviate the issue?
We originally thought the issue was caused by

We have updated our Servers since but the header size seems to keep
growing still. For reference, we have multiple bsd fileservers which are
used mostly over NFS, all with identical configuration (but varying
workload). They all still show these symptoms.

Any tips/hints/pointers are appreciated!

With kind regards,

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