I just found out the problem. I don't know who added the following phrase
to /boot/menu-commands.4th:

only forth definitions

Line 31 and 354. It just broke /boot/menu.rc.local as i said before. After
removing that everything worked again. Hope it helps someone else. I'm
going to open a PR anyway.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Cassiano Peixoto <
peixotocassi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I've been using /boot/menu.rc.local for years to my custom menu option.
> But after 10.2 update, it's not working anymore. I always get the message
> "toggle_menuitem not found" on beastie menu.
> Here is my /boot/menu.rc.local:
> set optionsmenu_init[7]="init_console"
> set optionsmenu_caption[7]="[C]onsole..... Off"
> set optionstoggled_text[7]="[C]onsole..... On"
> set optionsmenu_command[7]="toggle_console"
> set optionsmenu_keycode[7]=118
> set optionsansi_caption[7]="^[[1mC^[[37monsole..... ^[[34;1mOff^[[37m"
> set optionstoggled_ansi[7]="^[[1mC^[[37monsole..... ^[[32;7mOn^[[0;37m"
> \
> \ Console Boot
> \
> : console_enabled? ( -- flag )
>         s" boot_single" getenv -1 <> dup if
>                 drop ( c-addr flag -- flag )
>         then
> ;
> : console_enable ( -- )
>     s" set console=comconsole,vidconsole" evaluate
> ;
> : console_disable ( -- )
>     s" set console=vidconsole,comconsole" evaluate
> ;
> : toggle_console ( N -- N TRUE )
>         toggle_menuitem
>         menu-redraw
>         \ Now we're going to make the change effective
>         dup toggle_stateN @ 0= if
>                 console_disable
>         else
>                 console_enable
>         then
>         TRUE \ loop menu again
> ;
> So what has changed? What should i do to make it works again?
> Thanks.
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