I updated the server 3 times in one week (to 10.2-p8, -p9, -p10).

make check-old lists these directories on each update

# make check-old
>>> Checking for old files
>>> Checking for old libraries
>>> Checking for old directories
To remove old files and directories run 'make delete-old'.
To remove old libraries run 'make delete-old-libs'.

Those directories were deleted by delete-old

# make -DBATCH_DELETE_OLD_FILES delete-old
>>> Removing old files (only deletes safe to delete libs)
>>> Old files removed
>>> Removing old directories
>>> Old directories removed
To remove old libraries run 'make delete-old-libs'.

By after next installworld, they are back.

I think there is some bug (leftover) in make install / mtree or something like this and those directories should not be created any more.

Miroslav Lachman
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