On Tue, Feb 02, 2016 at 02:33:27PM +0100, Henrik Lidstr??m wrote:
> Just want to chip in that I also experience the same issue. This is my 
The same ?  So did you diagnosed the problem and can explain, from the
evidence provided by you and Hajimu, what is the cause and why the
issues are the same ?

> home firewall running squid/unbound/isc-bind/isc-dhcpd/pf/zfs.
> Have a couple of tmpfs and NFSv4 mounts.
> Was about to order new hardware since I thought it might be failing, 
> lol. Haven't had time to hook up a monitor/console, but generate some 
> load on the machine after a day or so of uptime and it feels as IO has 
> just stuck and a reboot is necessery. Actually managed to update it 
> yesterday, after a pre-reboot procedure.
> I have noticed vfs.numvnodes constanly rising to maxvnodes, so I bump 
> that a bit.
This is how the things are supposed to work.

> # uname -a
> FreeBSD brand.henriklidstrom.se 10.3-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 10.3-PRERELEASE 
> #15 r295126M: Mon Feb  1 22:16:50 CET 2016 
> r...@brand.henriklidstrom.se:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/BRAND  amd64
> # sysctl -a | grep vnodes
> kern.maxvnodes: 300000
> kern.minvnodes: 75000
> vfs.freevnodes: 226235
> vfs.wantfreevnodes: 75000
> vfs.vnodes_created: 1129810
> vfs.numvnodes: 250043
> # fstat -m | wc -l
>      2740
> #
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