
I have a nice new Dell Precision 5510 laptop that I ordered preloaded with Ubuntu 14.10, and I'd *really* like to have FreeBSD on it instead.

I've put the memstick image on a 2GB USB stick per the instructions on freebsd.org, but when I bring up the boot menu on the 5510 the USB drive isn't offered as a boot device.

I've disabled Secure Boot & I made sure that the 5510 is allowed to boot from a USB device.

I then decided to build my own image, following the instructions on the wiki:

gpart create -s gpt da0
gpart add -t efi -s 800K da0
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs da0
dd if=/boot/boot1.efifat of=/dev/da0p1
newfs -U -L FreeBSD /dev/da0p2

Followed by:

mount /dev/da0p2 /mnt
make DESTDIR=/mnt installkernel installworld distribution
echo "/dev/da0p2 / ufs rw 1 1" >> /mnt/etc/fstab
umount /mnt

It took a while to install and apparently worked fine, with no errors, but it still didn't show up in the boot menu.

I had created an Ubuntu recovery image when I first fired up the 5510 and wrote it to a USB drive, and it shows up in the boot menu.

Just for fun I downloaded a Linux Mint 18 XFCE installation ISO that I copied to the USB drive using the same method I used for the FreeBSD memstick image. It shows up on the boot menu & I verified that I can boot it.

I'll run Mint with XFCE if I have to, but I'd really prefer FreeBSD. Can anyone offer suggestions as to what I should try next?

Richard Kuhns <r...@wintek.com>
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