Thanks for the update, I had the feeling the issue was from it being to old. I have a question, not sure if you know, but I will toss it out. As I mentioned I update using svn for both src and ports, and I am curious to know if I can actually bring my src tree up to the most current 10.x stable, recompile, and install and have it all run?

In the past with much older versions, I know file system changes and such make it pretty hard to jump major revisions, so have a little bit of fear about jumping from 9.x to 10.x, and possibly even to 11.x if that is now stable. I am using ZFS, so I guess that would be one thing that is outside the norm, but should be part of the base kernels now anyway.

 Any input on upgrading would be most appreciated...

Howard Leadmon
PBW Communications, LLC

On 6/3/2017 1:08 PM, Mark Saad wrote:
  There are 3 options . One upgrade to 10.x or 11.x and ports/pkg will work . 
Support for the 9 series and 10.1 and 10.2 was removed from ports a few months 
ago . Two check out ports via svn and use the tag RELEASE_9_EOL and use that as 
your starting point . This is ports before the support for 9 was dropped . It's 
not up to date but it will work .Lastly you could use pkgsrc from netbsd not 
Joynet , and do a full rebuild of what you need . Pkgsrc also has a pkgsrc to 
ports conversion tool if you want the subsequent pkgsrc packages registered in 
a FreeBSD standard pkg dir . This would work if you haven't converted 9 to use 
pkgng .

Mark Saad |

On Jun 3, 2017, at 11:39 AM, Howard Leadmon <> wrote:

I know 9.3 is kinda dated, but it had been running fine so I left the servers 
alone as they were in a remote location many hours away.

That said, if I try and do anything with ports (I keep everything updated using 
SVN), I get the following error:

"/usr/ports/Mk/", line 1038: Unknown directive

The line is:   .export         LANG LC_ALL

I even tried removing the ports tree, and bringing it all back down, but same 
error.   Maybe my googlefu is failing me, but I couldn't find this exact error 
listed anyplace.   I have a couple FBSD 9.3 machines still in existence, and 
they all do this with anything in ports now.

Any ideas or suggestions?  Would just taking SVN to the current 10.x fix this?

Howard Leadmon
PBW Communications, LLC

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