2017-07-20 02:03, Mark Johnston wrote:
One thing to try at this point would be to disable EARLY_AP_STARTUP in
the kernel config. That is, take a configuration with which you're able
to reproduce the hang during boot, and remove "options

Done. And it avoids the problem altogether! Thanks.
Tried a reboot several times and it succeeds every time.

Here is all that I had in a config file for building a kernel,
i.e. I took away the 'options DDB' which also seemingly avoided
the problem:
  include GENERIC
  ident NELI
  nooptions EARLY_AP_STARTUP

This feature has a fairly large impact on the bootup process and has
had a few problems that manifested as hangs during boot. There was at
least one other case where an innocuous change to the kernel
configuration "fixed" the problem by introducing some second-order
effect (causing kernel threads to be scheduled in a different
order, for instance).

Regardless of whether the suggestion above makes a difference, it would
be helpful to see verbose dmesgs from both a clean boot and a boot that
hangs. If disabling EARLY_AP_STARTUP helps, then we can try adding some
assertions that will cause the system to panic when the hang occurs,
making it easier to see what's going on.

I have now saved a couple of versions of /var/run/dmesg.boot
(in boot_verbose mode) when EARLY_AP_STARTUP is disabled and
the boot is successful. However, I don't know how to capture
such log when booting hangs, as I have no serial interface
and the boot never completes. All I have is a screen photo
of the last state when a hang occurs (showing ada disks
successfully attached, followed immediately by the attempt
to attach a da disk, which hangs).

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