Many thanks, Kurt, for pointing out those other 3 bug reports. On the face of 
it, they look different to mine. In my case, and in the case of another user 
who has reported this on the FreeNAS forum (affecting FreeBSD 11.0), the boot 
progresses past the point shown in the 3 reports that you have suggested, by 
perhaps another 5-10 seconds. Kindly have a look at the screenshots I have 
submitted within the bug report here:

...and you may notice that the boot process hangs just after it has displayed 
messages about pci0 acpi. The verbose boot (screenshot also above) shows that 
the boot process seems to have just identified memory modules on pcib0. The 
remaining screenshots show kernel panics when I tried to disable ACPI.

I will test the boot with the other releases of FreeBSD as suggested by 
Miroslav Lachman, later today, and I will report back here, then I suppose I 
can make a decision if to move this discussion to freebsd-current, as 
recommended by @wishmaster. I apologise for confusing which list to keep 
reporting to.

Many thanks,
Rafal Lukawiecki
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