On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 8:38 AM, Ian Smith <smi...@nimnet.asn.au> wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 17:16:22 +1000, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
>  > On 14/8/17 3:08PM, Kevin Oberman wrote:
>  > > Again, the documentation lags reality. The default was changed for
>  > > 11.0. It is still conservative. In ALMOST all cases, Cmax will yield
>  > > the bast results. However, on large systems with many cores, Cmax
>  > > will trigger very poor results, so the default is C2, just to be
>  > > safe.
> Given it's a server, anything beyond C2 is likely not worth trying.
> OTOH, C2 is perhaps not worth avoiding; it's probably low latency and
> should result in lower power consumption, so heat, and unlikely to hurt.
> Or at least, I suspect that's the case .. cc'ing Alexander, as the wiki
> article you referenced was his doing, so he's among those best placed.
>  > > As far as possible TSC impact, I think older processors had TSC
>  > > issues when not all cores ran with the same clock speed. That said,
>  > > I am not remotely expert on such issues, so don't take this too
>  > > seriously.
> I wasn't aware that FreeBSD could yet do different freqs on different
> cores?  But I'm less expert than Kevin, and certainly behind the times.
>  > Thanks Kevin
>  >
>  > What does 'large' and 'many cores' mean here? Is 24 cores large or
>  > small? For a server do we ever want the CPU to enter states other
>  > than C1?
> If C2 works well on your box, I don't see why you wouldn't want to use
> it .. but others might.  I have no personal experience beyond 2 cores,
> but I'm perennially curious about such issues, as Kevin knows :)
> Are you using powerd?  And what says, for example:
>  sysctl -a | egrep 'cx|available|_freq|freq_|choice' | grep -v net\.
> which should include your timecounter and eventtimer setup too.
> cheers, Ian

I guess I need to clarify. No, FreeBSD does not have the ability to tun
different cores at different frequencies. I seem to recall that TCC on some
processors could adjust the frequency of a core exceeding a defined
temperature, skipping N of every 8 clock cycles to slow the processor and
reduce the temperature. This is what TCC was designed for. It is entirely
possible that I am not correctly remembering the details of the issue, but
it could only be resolved by switching from TCC to another clocking system.

If memory serves, and it may not, there was an issue a few years ago (jhb@
worked the issue) where TSC was varying with frequency and that caused
clock drift. I believe all "modern" processors do not have this issue and
it seems unlikely that any system running 24 cores is old enough that this
might be an issue.

Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.
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