Hi Stefan,

> Am 18.08.2017 um 14:35 schrieb Stefan Hagen <freebsd-stable-l...@textmail.me>:
>> What do you mean by "JBOD support"? Disable RAID in the systems BIOS
>> setup, put ZFS on AHCI drives ...
> Activating JBOD deactivates the B120i raid controller. Unfortnately the 
> temperature sensor
> is somehow controlled by the raid controller. So enabling JBOD technically 
> works, but the
> machine is a lot louder than with enabled raid. As a workaround I've built 4 
> raid arrays with one disk each.
> It works, but it doesn't feel right to me.

Weird - the machine seems rather quiet to me, but it's in a separate
room with the laser printers and no one actually working there.

I don't know how to measure noise, unfortunately. I have another
Gen8 at my wife's office for their not-for-profit organisation.
Quiet as a mouse with FreeNAS 11. This time two also very quiet
(most of the time) computer based office desks in that room.

My machine here at my office:

root@filer:~ # ipmitool sensor
UID Light        | 0x0        | discrete   | 0x0180| na        | na        | na 
       | na        | na        | na
Health LED       | 0x0        | discrete   | 0x0180| na        | na        | na 
       | na        | na        | na
01-Inlet Ambient | 28.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 42.000    | 46.000
02-CPU           | 40.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 70.000    | na
03-P1 DIMM 1-2   | 42.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 87.000    | na
04-HD Max        | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 60.000    | na
05-Chipset       | 63.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 105.000   | na
06-Chipset Zone  | 48.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 68.000    | 73.000
07-VR P1 Zone    | 52.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 88.000    | 93.000
08-Supercap Max  | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 65.000    | na
09-iLO Zone      | 47.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 72.000    | 77.000
10-PCI 1         | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 100.000   | na
11-PCI 1 Zone    | 39.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 64.000    | 69.000
12-Sys Exhaust   | 48.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 68.000    | 73.000
13-LOM           | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | 100.000   | na
Fan 1            | 25.088     | percent    | ok    | na        | na        | na 
       | na        | na        | na
Power Supply 1   | 0x0        | discrete   | 0x0180| na        | na        | na 
       | na        | na        | na
Memory           | 0x0        | discrete   | 0x4080| na        | na        | na 
       | na        | na        | na

So, temperature sensor working, too. Or are you referring to the
*HDD* temperature? I never put disks to sleep in servers ...


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