NAGY Andreas wrote:
>I am trying to get a FreeBSD NFS 4.1 export working with VMware Esxi 6.5u1, 
>but >it is always mounted as read only.
>After some research, I found out that this is a known problem, and there are 
>>threads about this from 2015 also in the mailinglist archive.
>As it seems VMware will not change the bahvior of there NFS 4.1 client I 
>wanted >to ask here if there is a patch or workaround for this available.
I believe the attached small patch deals with the ReclaimComplete issue.
However, someone else who tested this had additional issues with the mount:
- The client logged a couple of things (that sounded weird to me;-)
  - Something about Readdir seeing directories change too much..
  - Something about "wrong reason for not issuing a delegation"...
 (I don't what either of these are caused by or whether they result in serious
  breakage of the mount.)
They also ran into a hang when transferring a large file. It sounded to me like
something that might be a network interface device driver issue and I suggested
they disable TSO, LRO and jumbo frames, but I never heard back from them,
so I don't know more about this.

So, feel free to test with the attached patch and if you run into problems
with the mount, email w.r.t. what they are. If we persevere we might get it
going ok.

[stuff snipped]

Attachment: reclaimcom2.patch
Description: reclaimcom2.patch

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