EBFE via freebsd-stable wrote:
On Tue, 17 Apr 2018 09:05:48 -0700
Freddie Cash <fjwc...@gmail.com> wrote:

# Tune for desktop usage

​Works quite nicely on a 4-core AMD Phenom-II X4 960T Processor
(3010.09-MHz K8-class CPU) running KDE4 using an Nvidia 210 GPU.

For interactive tasks, there is a "special" tunable:
% sysctl kern.sched.interact
kern.sched.interact: 10 # default is 30
% sysctl -d kern.sched.interact
kern.sched.interact: Interactivity score threshold

reducing the value from 30 to 10-15 keeps your gui/system responsive,
even under high load.

Yes, this may improve the "irresponsive-desktop" problem. Because threads that are scored interactive, are run as realtime threads, ahead of all regular workload queues. But it will likely not solve the problem described by George, having two competing batch jobs. And for my problem as described at the beginning of the thread, I could probably tune so far that my "worker" thread would be considered interactive, but then it would just toggle between realtime and timesharing queues - and while this may make things better, it will probably not lead to a smooth system behaviour.

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