
I have a bunch if the dumb (not sarcasm) questions concerning FreeBSD CTL layer and iSCSI target management:

- is the "FREEBSD CTLDISK 0001" line that the ctladm lunlist is presenting, and that the initiators are seeing as the hwardware id hardcoded somewhere, especially the "CTLDISK 0001" part ?

- I am able to change the "FREEBSD" part of the above, but only from the configuration file (ctl.conf), but not from the ctladm on the create stage (when I'm issuing -o vendor there's no error, and the vendor in the devlist changes but not on the lunlist, however, I see changed vendors in the lunlist and they come from the config).

- is the desire to change the "FREEBSD CTLDISK 0001" part weird ? I'm currently considering it as a part of the production maintenance, but I'm not sure. Is there a way to change it without touching the code ?


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