On Sat, Aug 04, 2018 at 08:38:04PM +0200, Mark Martinec wrote:
> 2018-08-04 19:01, Mark Johnston wrote:
> > I think running "zpool list" is adding a lot of noise to the output.
> > Could you retry without doing that?
> No, like I said previously, the "zpool list" (with one defunct
> zfs pool) *is* the sole culprit of the zfs memory leak.
> With each invocation of "zpool list" the "solaris" malloc
> jumps up by the same amount, and never ever drops. Without
> running it (like repeatedly under 'telegraf' monitoring
> of zfs), the machine runs normally and never runs out of
> memory, the "solaris" malloc count no longer grows steadily.

Sorry, I missed that message.  Given that information, it would be
useful to see the output of the following script instead:

# dtrace -c "zpool list -Hp" -x temporal=off -n '
               /pid == $target/{@allocs[stack(), args[3]] = count()}
               /pid == $target/{@frees[stack(), args[3]] = count();}'

This will record all allocations and frees from a single instance of
"zpool list".
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