> On 5 Sep 2018, at 12:43, Robert Ames <roberta...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 5 Sep 2018, at 08:33, Robert Ames <roberta...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> FreeBSD sees the device:
>>> Sep  4 17:25:13 freebsd kernel: ugen1.4: <Yubico Security Key by Yubico> at 
>>> usbus1
>>> Sep  4 17:25:13 freebsd kernel: uhid0 on uhub4
>>> Sep  4 17:25:13 freebsd kernel: uhid0: <Yubico Security Key by Yubico, 
>>> class 0/0, rev 2.00/5.02, addr 4> on usbus1
>>> So should this just work out of the box or is there something I'm
>>> missing?
>> Hi Robert,
>> I don't have any Yubikeys but have you tried checking the permissions of 
>> /dev/uhid0* and /dev/ugen1.4 (which will be a symlink to usb/1.4.0) ?
>> You can chmod them for now and then if that works have a devd conf or devfs 
>> rule which sets the permissions appropriately when the device is connected.
>> If permissions are the problem it would be nice to see if the error message 
>> can be improved too :)
>> --
>> Daniel O'Connor
> I had done a manual chmod 777 /dev/usb/1.4.0 but had overlooked /dev/uhid0.
> Once I did a chmod 777 on that it worked.  Thank you.  Any suggestions on the
> best way to add a devd conf or devfs rule for this thing?

Add this to /etc/devfs.conf..
add path 'uhid*' group users mode 660

(Assuming your user is in the 'users' group - adjust to taste, devfs(8) has the 

And this to /etc/rc.conf..

Then do..
sudo service devfs restart

And unplug/replug the key.

Daniel O'Connor
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
 -- Andrew Tanenbaum

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