On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 02:30:39PM +0000, Montgomery-Smith, Stephen wrote:
> I did svn up just now in my /usr/src directory.  I got this message.
> Should I worry about this?
> Error validating server certificate for 'https://svn.freebsd.org:443':
>  - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
>    fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
> Certificate information:
>  - Hostname: svn.freebsd.org
>  - Valid: from Aug 29 20:26:55 2018 GMT until Nov 27 20:26:55 2018 GMT
>  - Issuer: Let's Encrypt Authority X3, Let's Encrypt, US
>  - Fingerprint: DC:AE:39:82:F5:32:DB:61:86:9E:B4:C7:C0:9C:EA:8C:08:7E:43:5A

You will not see this if you install the security/ca_root_nss port.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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