Thank you! I thought that perhaps it might be useful to (for
example) keep Ethernet port names the same when ports were added to
the system. But if it's not, I'll just deactivate it. I do need to
keep devd on, because I sometimes plug in USB memory sticks.
At 06:51 PM 3/23/2019, you wrote:
On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 6:27 PM Brett Glass
<<mailto:br...@lariat.net>br...@lariat.net> wrote:
I've been building custom kernels for FreeBSD 12.0, and have noticed
a message on the console, during boot, that I haven't seen from prior
versions. It doesn't affect the operation of the system, but just for
the sake of cleanliness (and to make sure it doesn't cause trouble later)
I'd like to clean it up. The message is
devmatch: can't read linker hints file
Because I'm building a stripped-down kernel without klds or debugging
symbols in it, the kernel build doesn't produce a linker.hints file,
which I assume is what's causing the complaint. Is there a reason why
I should generate such a file? Or, if I don't really need to do so,
is there a way to suppress the message?
Disable devmatch. It's useless without klds.
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