On Apr 15, 2020, at 2:35 PM, i...@dijix.com wrote:

I have an issue with gpart, it will not let me delete partition ada0p2 responding with “Device Busy” The man page gpart(8) says this may be shown if a partition exists but I cannot seem to delete partition 2 in my case via gpart delete or gpart destroy

This is a used disk but new to the machine, I can modify the partition type and create partitions before and after partition 2 but I cannot delete it.

Here’s what I have tried so far:

root@beastie:~ # gpart show
=>        34  1250263661  ada0  GPT  (596G)
       34      409606        - free -  (200M)
   409640  1249591904     2  freebsd-ufs  (596G)
1250001544      262151        - free -  (128M)

=>       40  976773088  ada1  GPT  (466G)
      40       1024     1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
    1064        984        - free -  (492K)
    2048    4194304     2  freebsd-swap  (2.0G)
 4196352  972576768     3  freebsd-zfs  (464G)
976773120          8        - free -  (4.0K)

root@beastie:~ # gpart delete -i2 ada0
gpart: Device busy

root@beastie:~ # gpart add -t freebsd-boot ada0
ada0p1 added

root@beastie:~ # gpart show
=>        34  1250263661  ada0  GPT  (596G)
       34      409606     1  freebsd-boot  (200M)
   409640  1249591904     2  freebsd-ufs  (596G)
1250001544      262151        - free -  (128M)

=>       40  976773088  ada1  GPT  (466G)
      40       1024     1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
    1064        984        - free -  (492K)
    2048    4194304     2  freebsd-swap  (2.0G)
 4196352  972576768     3  freebsd-zfs  (464G)
976773120          8        - free -  (4.0K)

root@beastie:~ # gpart delete -i2 ada0
gpart: Device busy

root@beastie:~ # gpart delete -i1 ada0
ada0p1 deleted

root@beastie:~ # gpart show
=>        34  1250263661  ada0  GPT  (596G)
       34      409606        - free -  (200M)
   409640  1249591904     2  freebsd-ufs  (596G)
1250001544      262151        - free -  (128M)

=>       40  976773088  ada1  GPT  (466G)
      40       1024     1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
    1064        984        - free -  (492K)
    2048    4194304     2  freebsd-swap  (2.0G)
 4196352  972576768     3  freebsd-zfs  (464G)
976773120          8        - free -  (4.0K)

root@beastie:~ # gpart destroy -F ada0
gpart: Device busy

root@beastie:~ # gpart modify -i2 -t freebsd-boot ada0
ada0p2 modified
root@beastie:~ # gpart show
=>        34  1250263661  ada0  GPT  (596G)
       34      409606        - free -  (200M)
   409640  1249591904     2  freebsd-boot  (596G)
1250001544      262151        - free -  (128M)

=>       40  976773088  ada1  GPT  (466G)
      40       1024     1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
    1064        984        - free -  (492K)
    2048    4194304     2  freebsd-swap  (2.0G)
 4196352  972576768     3  freebsd-zfs  (464G)
976773120          8        - free -  (4.0K)

I’m not sure where to go from here, I’m tempted to pull the drive and reformat elsewhere

I have all tried dd’ing the disk as root but dd /dev/ada0 errors with unauthorised.

Am I missing something obvious?

I don't know whether it can be considered obvious, but, in my experience, this sort of inability to delete a partition can happen because another GEOM layer has that partition open under some other guise. Typical culprits are the various "label" classes and other GEOM classes that "autodetect" things belonging to them.

A case in point that happened to me recently: I was trying to install on what I thought were two empty drives. Unfortunately, when it came to actually partitioning ada0 and ada1 it failed. It turned out that the drives were previously used in a "fake RAID" setup and GEOM_RAID was detecting an old RAID volume on the drives because the RAID metadata/label was being detected. This meant I couldn't directly access the underlying devices, ada0 and ada1.

My solution was to use graid to destroy the errant RAID volume, after which I was able to write/partition ada0 and ada1 directly.

Sometimes it is sufficient to disable autodetection of various label classes in /boot/loader.conf to be able to access the lower devices.



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