On 6/13/20, Donald Wilde <dwil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From my older thread, "installation of 12.1R and 11.3R fails"
> After quite a few rebuilds from scratch, I now have a 12-STABLE system
> on which synth runs without crashing except that it finds that its
> Flavors tree has circular dependencies.
> I no longer have stack crashes so I can operate, but I want synth to
> work well because I'd love to dance with this bear to good music. I
> have yet to resolve my FOSS database preference issues...
> I have tried ' make deinstall && make clean ' on each of the
> problematic ports and I have also tried various uses of ' pkg install
> ' to no resultant joy.
> Suggestions?

[UPDATE] My machine seems to be stuck on just one virtual console. I
tried rebooting with GENERIC and the issue persists. This DID occur
first after completing a synth run in which circular dependencies were
discovered, but I am unclear whether synth _caused_ something to
change. Looking through dmesg now.

Don Wilde
* What is the Internet of Things but a system *
* of systems including humans?                     *
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