On 6/24/20, Greg 'groggy' Lehey <g...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Wednesday, 24 June 2020 at  9:36:23 -0700, Donald Wilde wrote:
>> All,
>> I recently upgraded my 12-STABLE system to the latest, and now my
>> swap subsystems aren't working. I deliberately set up a 40GB
>> partition for swap, and when I do 'top -t' I am only seeing 7906M
>> total.
> That looks suspiciously like the difference from 32 GB.  Could it be
> numeric overflow?  And if so, where?  What does pstat -s say?

Well, hi Greg! LTNT2!

pstat -shm:

/dev/ada0s1b  65536 (1M blocks), Used: 1.5G, Avail: 63G, Capacity: 2%

This is while synth is still running on openblas and openjdk8.

>> When using synth, it shows swap usage of < 2%, but then it gives the
>> 'out of swap' complaint and tosses all my users out into neverland.
> Unless this also causes kernel messages to that effect, this, too,
> could be an issue with synth.

I believe the messages about 'out of swap' were from the kernel as it
died, not synth. As I say, it killed all my active users, both root
and non-root.

Why does _top_ show the 7906M number? I suspect that it's deeper than
just synth.

What else can I share to help diagnose this?

> Greg
> --
> Sent from my desktop computer.
Don Wilde
* What is the Internet of Things but a system *
* of systems including humans?                     *
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