(Changed my email address to the one I used to subscribe to the mailing

On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 10:05 AM Guido Falsi wrote:


On 28/04/21 00:12, parv wrote:
> > I had updated FreeBSD, in VirtualBox 5.22 on Windows with EFI, from
> > 12-STABLE
> > to 13-STABLE; upgraded the ZFS pools & the EFI boot loader. Currently
> > testing with 13 GENERIC kernel.
> You mean you enabled EFI inside virtualbox? Why do you need that?

For testing if FreeBSD can boot with EFI (with ZFS-on-root) ... one day I
may just install the thing directly on a disk, outside of a virtual machine
... one day!

> support in VirtualBox is experimental and is available for OSes unable
> to boot without EFI. FreeBSD is perfectly able to boot in virtualbox
> without EFI so no need for it.

I am aware.

> > Now on shutdown, "shutdown -p now" (in single user mode, after manually
> > unmounting
> > ZFS datasets [...] the shutting down process gets stuck,
> > and CPU use jumps to 80%

> > In the end I chose "Power Off" from VirutalBox menu. "Reset" reboots the
> > machine.
> > None of these have any effect ...
> >    - Send the shutdown signal
> >    - ACPI Shutdown
> >
> > Help please.

Solved the issue via ...

  % sysctl hw.efi.poweroff=0
... after that shudown went on as expected. Got that from  ...


NOt sure even which further information to ask about this, but to be
> sure I understand correctly, FreeBSD is the guest here, correct?

Yes, FreeBSD is the guest on Windows 10 host.

- parv
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