> > What SUCKS is when you manage to get through a make-world without an
> > error, but the running system is broken. /That/ is something to whine
> > about. (And you just want to slug that first one that says, "Just use
> > the backups you made before the make-world." I do backup first, but
> > restoring is still a non-trivial pain in the *ss. And if you didn't
> > backup, especially a production system, you asked for it, bub.)
> This is all part of the reason why I do a buildworld,
> build[install]kernel, and finally do my installworld. When something
> like this happens, my kernel.old and my user land are still in sync.

I kept my mouth shut at the time, since I knew it would be fixed in a
couple of days and the machine I was upgrading wasn't anything really
important, but the problem a couple weeks ago where telnetting into a
system or starting X on it caused it to blow up didn't exactly strike me
as "stable".  kernel.old didn't work since the userland had changed enough
to make ps, top, etc. to stop working -- un-cvsup it and rebuild...

This problem shows up more often when you update sources weekly or
so.  Daily doesn't seem to be a big problem - kernel.old is usually
good; going from 4.0-RELEASE to 4.1-STABLE can cause headaches.

Just goes to show you that completely trusting
[build|install][world|kernel] and friends isn't completely
goof-proof.  Creating a program that compiles flawlessly but still doesn't
work doesn't require much cranial activity.

(BTW: Thanks, guys, for fixing that problem!  Got my shiny new Toshiba
4360ZDVD laptop running -STABLE now - X, sound, pcmcia,
everything!  Although the S3 Savage-IX patch for XFree-3.3.6 has some
problems (with work-arounds), it's kicking along nicely!)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Understated/funny man-page sentence of the current time period:

>From route(4) on FreeBSD-3.4, DESCRIPTION section:
    "FreeBSD provides some packet routing facilities."

Mike Nowlin, N8NVW         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         http://www.viewsnet.com

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