On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 12:34:17PM -0700, Mike Murphree wrote:
> This topic is somewhat timely since I lost power to my
> machine this weekend. A loud BEEP wouldn't have done
> any good as I was away from it too long at the time.
> A low power suspend mode triggered by the UPS to extend
> its run time could have been useful. The PC was on a
> 6 year old APC which has been reliable though I changed
> out the batteries as preventative maintenance a couple
> of years ago.
Yes, of course. But for me it works. And electrical networks 
in Russia is not same thing as electrical networks in US for 
example. It is normal have 190V or 250V voltage instead of normal
220V here. This can floatly change from 190 to 250 or even to 170 :-(
APC UPSes could not resist in these situations, but much dumber
Sendon works great. It is possible that PC will work Ok _without_
any UPS, while cant work with APC UPS :-(
So, I prefer that my server _WORK_ while I near it, instead of waiting
210V forever :-) Because our business can live without network server
at weekend (and if it can't live, then I'll be found and taken even 
from Hell) I don't need very smart UPS. But if I'll need it BADLY, I'll 
make cable (remember, Sendon HAS serial port).

Igor Roboul, Unix System Administrator & Programmer @ sanatorium "Raduga", 
Sochi, Russia

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